We usually do setup our website for our customers for no extra cost. However some users prefer to set it up them selves.
We got you on this, please follow the following tutorial :
Get website’s files Ready
After you download our website packages, you will end up with a zip file that you should extract on your computer.
- installer.php
- websitePackNameNumberVersion.zip (The name may difer from version to version)

Upload both files to your Hosting
Using FTP or your Cpanel’s File Manager, upload both files (installer.php and the webPackNumModel.zip)
Create new database on your hosting
- From your cpanel, browse to MySQL Databases
- Create a new database and remember it’s name
- Create a new user and pick a secure password for that user
- Add the new user to the database you just created
- include All Priviledges and Save
Running the installation file
Now that you have a database and uploaded files to your hosting. Open your browser (Google chrome, Firefox,…) and navigate to your website (ex : www.mybtcwebsite.net), you should be able to see both files you uploaded as shown below